Statement of President Grudzen on Solving the Present Crises in the Middle East

Statement of President Grudzen on Solving the Present Crises in the Middle East

The three monotheistic religions originating in the Middle East, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have within their histories rich resources to promote compassion, understanding, and mystical union with the divine and with all creation. The unity of God with humanity is clearly taught in the Torah, the Bible, and the Qur’an. It is only moral failure and blindness that allow human beings to attack each other and deny that we are all members of the same family originating in the heart of the HOLY ONE from which all life originated…

August 2023 Global Update

August 2023 Global Update

Experience the Parliament of the World’s religions with GMU. Plan a “Peace-filled” autumn with GMU. See the advantages of a Certificate with the Center for Celebrant Training and the new courses offered by the People’s Catholic Seminary.

July Global Update

July Global Update

Participate in Global Solidarity! Join GMU at the Parliament of the World’s Religions. View the video of the presentation on Hans Küng and The Beginning of All Things. See current and future course offerings.

June Global Update

June Global Update

Learn about the success of GMU’s Religion and Science Program and view the video of the presentation Hans Kung and the Global Ethic. Register for a second presentation on Hans Kung and Religion and Science in July.