To Donate By Check:
Please make the check payable to
Global Ministries University, and mail it to:
Global Ministries University
5655 Silver Creek Valley Road #920
San Jose, CA 95138
To Donate With Your PayPal Account:
Click the Donate button above, or click on the QR code to donate with PayPal or your credit card. You may also log into your PayPal Account, and select the “Send Money” option.
Send your donations to:
GMU operates as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under the auspices of the Federation of Community Ministries of California (FCMC) DBA Global Ministries University EIN: 77-0195794
If you are donating by credit card you will see FCMC on your statement.
Global Ministries University
Promoting Peace Through Education
- We care about world conditions, human rights, peace, and interreligious understanding.
- We take action by implementing programs and providing courses that support these values.
Global Ministries University seeks to serve the educational and ministerial needs of our students in every way we can. In this time of economic uncertainty, GMU has established a scholarship program to help those who face financial hardship because of loss of employment. We hope you will consider donating to this effort. GMU is Family and we are here for each other.
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