April 2024 Global Update

April 2024 Global Update

View the celebration of the life of Frank Pisciotta, Th.D. Read President Grudzen’s reflection on his presentation at Niagara University and Buffalo United for Peace. Learn all bout Google from GMU’s librarian. Let the Sunshine in your life with Creation Spirituality. Study human behavior with Psychosynthesis. Read updates on Chaplaincy programs. Learn about new offerings from the People’s Catholic Seminary and how CCT tuition is so affordable. Look forward to Interfaith Harmony Week 2025 for GMU’s third international interfaith online conference.

You’re Invited!

You’re Invited!

The Administration of GMU cordially invites all alumni, faculty, students, friends, and benefactors of the university to a virtual gala on Zoom celebrating GMU’s commitment to global inclusion and educational excellence.

Global Solidarity… January 2023 GMU Newsletter

Global Solidarity… January 2023 GMU Newsletter

Learn about the upcoming “Walking Together in the LIght of Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’ international interfaith conference. Be inspired by the reports from President Grudzen, Provost Mary Ann Cejka, and Librarian Judy Clarence. Make 2023 the “Year of You!”