
Global Ministries University

Peace Studies Program

Peace Studies Program

Global Ministries University’s Peace Studies program is offered as a hybrid of asynchronous readings and assignments with scheduled Zoom conferences led by GMU faculty or guest speakers.

Explore all of GMU’s Peace Studies offerings here.

Mahatma Gandhi and Building Just Peace

Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor will teach a four-session seminar – Mahatma Gandhi and Building Just Peace – on the following Mondays at 4:00 PM PDST – coinciding with Gandhi’s Birthday and the International Day of Non-Violence on October 2, 2023.


  • October 2nd

  • October 9th

  • October 30th

  • November 6th

The cost for the entire program is $100 plus the $25 Application fee.  Participation in this presentation can be used for credit towards a degree or certificate. Either scroll up or down and click the “Apply” button to enroll.

Because the topic is so important and relevant to our world today, GMU is offering this program on a “suggested tuition” basis. You can pay whatever you can afford, but you must fill out the application form and pay the application fee.

As a FREE introduction to this series, watch Global Ministries University president Dr. Gerald Grudzen interview Dr. Kapoor here:

Register Below For the Link To Dr. Kapoor's Upcoming Seminar








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