Save the date!
February 6th-8th, 2025: FREE International Conference

GMU celebrates the extraordinary life of Dr. Frank Pisciotta and pays tribute to his legacy with the Dr. Frank Pisciotta Scholarship Endowment.
Explore Zotero with GMU’s Librarian, Judy Clarence M.L.I.S.
“Spring” into Creation Spirituality courses with Dr. Margie Schneider and learn about Psychosynthesis with Richard Weinhagen.
Explore GMU’s Community Chaplaincy offerings and Religion and Science Program.
Jesus was born in a time when his parents had to find lodging in a stable and in a land controlled by foreign powers. Many families today in the Middle East, Central and South America, Africa, and Bangladesh find themselves in similar circumstances. The message of Hanukkah and Christmas is that the Light cannot be extinguished despite the darkness that seems to be prevalent in the public square. Our heavenly Light continues to burn brightly behind the storm clouds of our era. This beneficial illumination provides us an interior presence and focus that guides us into a future of hope and renewal of our civilization…
Celebrate GMU’s international accreditation with EAHEA. Travel to Costa Rica with President Grudzen and Marita Grudzen. Discover more about GMU’s outstanding faculty and welcome GMU’s new Alumni Relations Coordinator. Read about GMU’s exciting new courses and learn about ways to support YOUR university
Join Global Ministries University in its commitment to fostering equality, diversity, justice and peace in the world.
View GMU’s latest seminars and courses. Learn why research papers are important. Travel to the Synod in Rome with ARCWP. Save the Date for GMU’s Gala!