Creation Spirituality TH580
Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality TH581
to be taken in succession
with Dr. Margie Schneider
Take part in some “Spiritual Spring Cleaning!”
To help everyone afford this unique experience, Dr. Schneider is offering her two 8-week courses, Creation Spirituality TH580 and Eco-Art & Creation Spirituality TH581 to be taken in succession at the substantially reduced price of $150 each. That’s less than $20 per session! Total: $300 plus $25 application fee.
TH580: The student will study the four paths – Via Positiva, Via Negativa, Via Creativa, and Via Transformativa – with an emphasis on the experiential as well as the intellectual content.
TH581: An eight-week interactive Zoom course that explores and awakens students’ natural creativity through participation in eco-art activities, performed within nature and seen through the lens of Creation Spirituality and its four paths.
Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to “Embrace Creation!”
Dr. Margie Schneider, D. Min.

- Graduate of Global Ministries University
- Studied with Matthew Fox
- Ordained Interfaith Minister with a Focus on Eco-Spirituality
- Received Certification as an Eco-Art Therapist
- Ordained Animal Chaplain and Pet Bereavement Facilitator
- Founder of Heart to Heart All Creatures Ministry